2018.1.9 Distinguish between genuine and genuine big bags

Buy fake bags without knowing it One handle of the Yves Saint Laurent handbag of Karineh Gurjian Angelo broke. She took a handbag to a YSL boutique to repair it. Not only was it not repaired, the sales assistant also told her that the handbag was false. The sales enumerated the details of the lining of the bag and the lack of embossing on the bottom to prove that the bag was not genuine. She was ashamed. "I feel like I'm going back to school and being educated in the principal's office," said Ms. Gurjian-Angelo. She is a New York photographer who often shoots accessories and is familiar with high-end handbags. She bought this shiny black YSL handbag from $300 on eBay and she has been very happy. The low price had made her suspect that it might be fake, but when she got it and looked like a genuine product from the price tag, she said she thought, "Wow, it's true." The sophisticated manufacturing of a new generation of fashion counterfeiters has led more people to believe that Ms. Gurjian-Angelo has become a victim. These imitations are completely different for those consumers who are aware of their purchase of counterfeit goods than cheap parcels that are sold on street corners with the “Prado” or “Cucci” logo. These products are made of high-quality materials. The zipper and the buckle are branded and it seems to be stamped with the place and date of manufacture of the product where appropriate. Even smart shoppers are fooled by them, especially online. Frederick Felman, chief marketing officer at MarkMonito, said that sellers of counterfeit goods can easily establish e-commerce sites that appear to be legitimate, appearing to be like genuine websites, with full product descriptions, promotional images and logos. They also buy keyword advertisements for search engines to attract low-cost, genuine consumers. MarkMonito is a company that helps businesses protect their brands. The prices of imitation products are on the rise, leaving consumers who want to buy authentic products at discounted prices. In spite of this, the high price of counterfeit goods is only a small one compared to the price of a genuine product. Ms. Gurjian-Angelo's genuine YSL handbags cost more than $1,500. The secondary market is often a paradise for counterfeiters Ebay said that it is struggling to crack down on counterfeit goods, and in part uses a special tool for brands or other intellectual property rights holders to report product listings. Ebay said that when the brand thinks the goods are not true, the goods will be deleted within a few hours. Ebay will also independently review the list of millions of counterfeit products. Dan Dougherty, deputy general counsel of eBay Intellectual Property, said in a statement, “The appearance of counterfeit goods on the website is very rare. Through our buyer protection program, buyers’ purchase qualifications will be protected.” If the goods are not As promised by the seller, this protection scheme allows the buyer to return the merchandise. (Ms. Gurjian-Angelo did not take action on her bag.) Some manufacturers are fighting back by introducing covert security measures into their products and looking for online unauthorized product sales sites and trying to stop them. The International Chamber of Commerce estimates that the value of counterfeit and pirated products around the world is about 600 billion U.S. dollars, which is doubled by 2015. According to a report from the U.S. Customs Border Protection Agency and U.S. immigration Customs Enforcement Sentences, US law enforcement personnel handled nearly 20,000 IPR-infringing goods last year, an increase of 34% since 2010. In 2001, there were about 3,600 pieces. Government agencies said that shoes ranked first in the seized goods, and clothes and handbags ranked third and fourth, respectively. Vickie Laliotis, a student and fashion blogger, saw a vintage Chanel bag that she thought was antique at a local consignment store. Before purchasing it, she carefully watched this package. The metal pieces represent the company's name, and the front cover is the unique signature of the brand - interlocking double C logos. Miss Laliotis even sniffed this scarlet quilted handbag to see if it was genuine leather. Miss Laliotis believes it is true and spent more than 100 dollars to buy this package. The 27-year-old Miss Victoria in British Columbia said, "I think why did they use such a good skin to make a fake?" Later, Miss Laliotis inferred from the lining and other signs that she had bought a fake. She stuffed the bag into her closet. She said: "I can't carry it. I feel like a liar." All brands are actively cracking A Chanel spokesperson said in a statement, “Combating counterfeit goods is a key issue.” It added that brands have spent “substantial financial and human resources” to chase those producers who make counterfeit goods. Chanel said, “Some counterfeit leather goods look really authentic.” The only way to ensure that a handbag is genuine Chanel is to purchase it directly from Chanel or its authorized retailer. More than 60% of counterfeit goods seized by US law enforcement officials came from China last year. China has a large amount of skilled labor and is becoming an increasingly important luxury manufacturing base. The amount of counterfeit goods seized from China increased by 18%, partly due to seizures made through frequent mailing transactions. Tom Onda, chief intellectual property attorney of Levi Strauss, said that selling counterfeit goods online makes the counterfeiting task more complex than ever. He said that instead of regulating the flea market and regulating retailers, "trying to monitor the Internet is a difficult task." Jeans manufacturers have a team of 40 employees worldwide and, in addition, use their trademarks to sell products on unauthorized websites. Levi's said that when the prohibition letter does not work, the company will close the site together with the Internet service provider. Civil lawsuits will also be filed. However, the successful closure of this site does not mean that the product has disappeared from the market, Mr. Onda said. Such sellers often build a new domain website. In order to counterfeit, more brands are applying authentication methods to their products. Levi's is working on a new type of labeling technology to help its anti-counterfeit team determine the authenticity of the product. Mr. Onda declined to provide specific instructions. Deborah Greaves, general counsel for legal security, said that the high-end denim brand True Religion has put a security design on each pair of jeans. Mr. Onda and Ms. Greaves refused to give specific details. They worry that this will affect the safety of these measures. Applied DNA Sciences, based in Stony Brook, New York, has a new technology that can inject plant DNA into fabrics and make them into garments. This DNA can be detected under a special light and can be assigned to a specific brand. It cannot be copied. Applied DNA Sciences customers include two luxury brands in Europe, but they declined to give their names. Chanel's spokesperson said that the company uses a unique coding method to control the production process of each handbag, which is similar to the vehicle identification number on the new car, and then prints this unique code on a card along with the handbag. sell. For consumers, these anti-counterfeiting measures will play a role when they take the product to a formal store for identification. Elizabeth Bernstein is a staff member of Portero, an online second-hand luxury retailer. She is responsible for investigating sellers of handbags and leather goods on the website. Portero guarantees that all the items sold are genuine, otherwise the buyer can make a full refund. Ms. Bernstein said that luxury metal fittings should have specific markings, texture and weight. The feel of metal parts should not be like plastics, nor should the sound of striking each other be like the sound of tin. The zipper pulls effortlessly without any hindrance. It should also be easy to open and lock. She said that most of the luxury goods are hand-sewn, which is one reason why they are expensive. Imitations are often made by machines. Handmade elements will bring some degree of imperfection to the product, but most fakes do not. Ms. Bernstein is tracking the improvement of counterfeit goods. Recently, a fake Louis Vuitton handbag that she found was also printed with the genuine production year, week and place of production. Ms. Bernstein said, "These imitations are doing better day after day." LV Group (LVMH Moen Hennessy Louis Vuitton SA) did not comment on this. Counterfeit goods manufacturers are becoming more and more savvy, focusing on the quality of those copies. Elizabeth Bernstein, Portero's website jewelry director, talks with WSJ website Elizabeth Holmes about authenticity. Zippo lighter manufacturers provide consumers with a lifetime warranty, but the company will not provide this service for counterfeit goods. Here are some ways to identify authenticity. China Trolley Case Trading Network is an e-commerce platform of China Treasury's Trolley Case, which integrates all upstream and downstream companies in the country for genuine procurement and genuine wholesale. Provides professional trolley case trading platform and information for consumers and has a wealth of trolley case resources. Fundamentally, the quality of the trolley case can be guaranteed. So if you want to pay more attention to the trolley news, please come here! The above information is from China Trolley Exchange website.