How to Correctly Determine Whether the Carton Is Up to Standard--Anti-stress and Stacking Test

With the development of industry, corrugated cartons have been widely used as packaging materials. Due to the low threshold of the corrugated paper box industry, the competition is extremely fierce. Carton users have exposed more or less quality problems in the use of cartons, such as the collapse, cracking, etc., of cartons after stacking, causing many negative effects.
Therefore, more and more carton users have realized the dual significance of packaging for product protection and product image promotion. Carton users have become more professional and rational in determining product quality standards, such as: Adding test equipment to measure the key indicators of the carton... Breaking and anti-stress (or stacking), comprehensive research whether excessive packaging (material design excess), to achieve packaging The design of the material contributes to the optimization of the entire product manufacturing cost.
However, in the process of product inspection, when the carton user assesses whether the product is qualified or not, it often produces deviations in understanding and misjudging the product test results. The following is a detailed analysis and discussion on how to correctly understand and evaluate the anti-stress and stacking test of corrugated boxes, and share personal practical experience with carton enterprises and users.
Carton anti-pressure, stacking test compliance with the requirements must be clear two standards: test status standards, physical indicators.
Inspection status analysis
The packaging industry usually adopts the following inspection status of two packaging materials:
Carton sample temperature and humidity were (23 ± 2) °C, (50 ± 5)% pretreatment 24h.
Standard Source: SN/T02693-93 "Procedures for the Inspection of Corrugated Carton Containers for Export Goods".
The standard atmosphere for test pulp, paper and board should be relative humidity (50±2)%, temperature (23±1)°C, general paper pretreatment 4h, tissue paper at least 5-8 h, high basis weight or other paper types At least 48 h or more.
Standard source: GB/T10739-1989 "Standard atmospheres for handling and testing of pulp, paper and paperboard specimens"
The purpose of setting the carton test pretreatment is to make the fibrous tissue structure of each sample in a balanced and stable state, so as not to make the test results produce too large differences and affect the determination of the mechanical properties of the carton. Corrugated boxes should refer to the first type of pretreatment.
Discussion on Safety Anti-pressure and Stacking Test
Conceptual expression
The resistance to pressure is the maximum compressive yield value achieved by a carton that consistently exerts pressure on it.
The stacking code (standard name-static load stacking code) is to apply a constant mass to the carton package within a certain period of time (usually 24 hours), and the amount of deformation and damage caused by the carton is in compliance with the requirements.
We can intuitively understand the difference between them by testing the force time diagram:
Formula calculation
1 Safety pressure
P ... pressure resistance value N;
K... deterioration coefficient (safety compression coefficient);
G ... single package gross weight kg;
H... stack height m.;
h ... box height m.

Storage period
Less than 30 days
30 to 100 days
More than 100 days
Bad coefficient
The export carton is usually a European and American security factor 3
Note: The coefficient of deterioration (intensity factor) K is determined based on the loaded goods and storage conditions.
2 stacking quality
M0=K* (H/h-1)* M1
M0......the total mass of the stacking pile applied by the carton kgkg;
K...inferior coefficient (with safety factor);
M1...... Single package gross weight kgkg;
H... stack height;
H... box height m.
Related issues:
The determination of the deterioration coefficient implied that under various storage and transportation conditions, the carton pressure capacity cannot meet the pressure resistance requirements under the standard test conditions (if the humidity conditions are relatively large), but because the coefficient is the safety compression coefficient Its "safety" is to meet the carton at:
The reduction of strength under different atmospheric conditions; the strength of handling and warehousing is weakened; the intensity of the load stack decays with time; the intensity of transport vibration shock is weakened, etc. Under the circumstances that the atmospheric humidity and the logistics conditions change, no collapse or bulging deformation is lost. The protective effect of the packaging.
Therefore, as long as the carton is designed and manufactured to be qualified (to meet the requirements of safety and pressure resistance), the anti-pressure tested in the non-standard state is less than the safety and anti-pressure standard, but it is still “safe”. Recognizing this, we can further adopt the following The instance data understands the test differences of the carton under different conditions:

Comparison project
Carton model
Paper Match
Diameter size
Different test conditions
Anti-stress test value (kgf)
Anti-pressure requirements (kgf)
Temperature 18°C
Humidity 79%
Temperature (23±2)°C
Humidity (50±5)%

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